Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 -----> 2011


OK so this would be my first entry of this year I guess. Time passes by unnoticeably fast, and once you realized, its already the 1st january all over again. Feels rather lucky as air is still going in & out of my lungs the day 2011 approaches. Alhamdulillah, the best word to describe how lucky I am..

Thus, a new year, a new paragraph in this hopefully long essay of my life. Still, I do have this perception that in moving forward, one needs to look back, look behind at least in a slight manner. Therefore, here's a quick recap on the year that was for me. Firstly, 2010 turns out to be a bizzare, not to forget comical, year for me in any consequences. It started herendously with the fact that I have my first.....yes, first, OFFICIAL girlfriend, its getting head-line almost everywhere, most notably among my school-mates. I did had several rendezvous before her back in my heir days, but nothing really gets burgeoning back then,nor being official, largely due to my own mistakes I supposed. That is, until SHE showed up. All of a sudden, my life tooks a huge turn. No longer am I the man I use to be. Still feels lucky with the fact that it has been more than 10 months since that faithful 1st day. Seems everyting is doing tremendously well between us, guess that this low level of intransigence inside of me does gave a huge assist.

Fluctuatingly unpredictable .......turns out to be the best words to describe the academical part of my life in 2010. It has never been even close to consistent, luckily its still a long way to go till the day I receive my first degree. Speaking about studies, I would like to congratulate one of my brothers back in school, Jekbe, for his success in gaining entrance to UiTM Shah Alam. Not to forget Hafiz, who would be flying to Germany this 7th of January. Best of luck for you guys, brothers....

In a more joyous point of view, I've been lucky enough to witness the Malaysian football team triumphant victory over the Indonesian right in front of my very eyes. Its never easy to reach the final, but Malaysia did it, and I was amongst the most fortunate to be there that night. Not to forget the trip Singapore with my fellow faculty colleagues. It was quite an experience though..remember my friends, what happened in Singapore, remains in Singapore..:)

To summarize, 2010 has been a very mixed kind of year for me. I learnt new stuffs, gained new stuffs, lost lots of stuffs! Nevertheless, this year helped me to open my eyes. Sometimes I wonder, in this never-ending pursuit of success in my life, what is my clear goal? In an honest approach, I do have some obscure goals up in my sleeves. Finishing this four years of degree will not be the end of the studying galore, at least that is certain for me. It goes beyond that. I've also come to my senses, that being satisfied with all that you've accomplished so far is the same as going to self-distruct mode. It kills all the potentials inside. Thus, destroy any form of self-indulgence within. Try to achieve a higher summit, be more ambitious, regardless of how differ the opinions of people towards you. I have so many good companions that are always there for me, giving numerous advises for the sake of my own benefit. Not to forget my parents, whose nagging( my dad's seems to be the real nagger) showed me the right path on where to go. Appreciate that, you guys. Thanks 2010, you've taken me out of the box.

Its 2011. Hope that all my plans will go well. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!

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