Sebagai permulaan,undang-undang boleh dibahagikan kepada beberapa jenis bahagian, bergantung kepada topik dan definisi yang diinginkan seseorang. Melalui apa yang ingin saya rungkaikan, saya lebih berminat untuk membahagikan undang-undang mengikut kesalahan serta kesannya. Maka ingin saya bahagikan undang-undang itu kepada :
1. Undang- undang sivil
2. Undang- undang jenayah
Undang-undang sivil adalah tertumpu kepada hubungan sesama insan. Antara cabang undang-undang ini ialah seperti kontrak, tort, serta keluarga. Sebarang tuntutan bagi kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan ini adalah menjadi kebiasaannya untuk dibawa oleh pihak yang mengalami kerugian (injured party) dan tuntutan selalunya adalah dalam bentuk pampasan. Berbeza dengan undang-undang jenayah, ia adalah lebih tertumpu kepada kesalahan terhadap awam. Bagi kesalahan seperti ini, kes akan dibawa oleh seorang Timbalan Pendakwa Raya dan hukuman adalah menjerumus kepada "menyeksa" pelaku kesalahan tersebut.
Di Malaysia, kesalahan jenayah adalah dikawal oleh Kanun Keseksaan. Bagi tujuan topik kertas projek saya, saya mahu mengkhususkan kepada beberapa peruntukan yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan seksual. Melalui pengamatan terhadap Kanun Keseksaan, kesalahan seperti ini telah dibahagikan seperti berikut :
1. Kesalahan mencabul kehormatan (Seksyen 354)
2. Kesalahan rogol (Seksyen 375)
3. Kesalahan sumbang mahram (Seksyen 376)
4. Kesalahan luar tabii (Seksyen 377)
Bagi setiap kesalahan seperti yang dirujuk, beban pembuktian adalah sama seperti mana kesalahan jenayah lain, di mana pihak pembelaan haruslah berjaya dalam menimbulkan satu "keraguan yang munasabah" atau dalam bahasa Inggerisnya, a reasonable doubt supaya pihak tertuduh dapat dilepaskan daripada sebarang liabiliti. Antara persoalan yang timbul ialah sejauh mana peruntukkan-peruntukkan berkaitan telah berjaya dalam mengekang penularan jenayah seksual di Malaysia? Selain itu, perlukah ada satu cara alternatif lain dalam membantu sebarang lacuna dalam Kanun Keseksaan? Berdasarkan kes-kes yang telah dilaporkan, adakah perlu bagi sebarang penambahbaikkan bagi mengawal kesalahan seksual daripada berleluasa?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
salahkah kalau saya layan satu lagu D'Masiv malam ni?
Malam ni malam pertama gua dekat klang sepanjang bulan Ramadan untuk tahun ni. Letih gila bai drive dari Perak sampai Selangor. Letih punya pasal,gua terus bantai tertidur sampai saja kat rumah ..maklum la kan, muka kacak bergaya macam gua ni kena banyak kan beauty-sleep baru la senantiasa berwajah menawan gitewww. Oleh itu malam ni gua dah tak berapa nak mengantuk. Sambil dok berangan atas katil, gua teringat masa bujang-bujang dulu, masa mula-mula sampai dekat UKM. Gua pun tak tau macam mana gua boleh single masa tu padahal muka gua memang semua dah sedia maklum la kan handsome tahap dewa. Pada sebuah hari Sabtu yang hening, gua bersama 4 orang sahabat rapat sejak zaman Asasi dekat UiTM lagi iaitu Khairunnazrin Mohd Noor, Afiq Ammar Tulos, Rifhan Khan dan Zahidi Afiq telah ke Metro Kajang bagi sebuah sesi karaoke. Bila tiba saja turn si Khairunnazrin ni nak nyanyi, dia telah memilih sebuah lagu bertajuk MERINDUKANMU dari kumpulan D'MASIV. Band ni dah lama terkenal masa tu, tapi gua tau satu lagu je,CINTA INI MEMBUNUHKU. Tapi kali ni gua dah tau satu lagu baru, gara-gara member gua yang sorang ni la.
Gua ni tak la layan sangat jiwang-jiwang ni, lagi2 dari seberang. Tapi satu lagu ni antara yang boleh kena jugak la dengan gua. Lirik pun best, tak ada la puitis sangat. Banyak straight-forward style puya lirik..nak buat jamming pun senang. Rasa-rasa kalau perform lagu ni masa dinner Fakulti tahun depan macam best jugak. Serius gua sarankan siapa2 yang tengah syok ber-couple tu layan la lagu ni. Lagi-lagi yang sang teruna, bila lu punya awek dok merajuk ke, tak pun jauh di mata, apa yang lu kena buat senang je bai. Kasi lu punya awek tu kat gua kan senang?? OK2 gua saja nak gurau. Kalau rindu kat sang dara, nyanyi la lagu ni dekat dia melalui telefon bimbit lu bai. Gerenti dia cakap lu ni balak paling romantik. Nah gua kasi lu dengar sikit.
Nak lirik pun gua boleh bagi la bai. NAH AMEK!!
Saat aku menangisi kesedihanku
Pasal gua jiwang sangat ni?? adoi malu la pulak
Gua ni tak la layan sangat jiwang-jiwang ni, lagi2 dari seberang. Tapi satu lagu ni antara yang boleh kena jugak la dengan gua. Lirik pun best, tak ada la puitis sangat. Banyak straight-forward style puya lirik..nak buat jamming pun senang. Rasa-rasa kalau perform lagu ni masa dinner Fakulti tahun depan macam best jugak. Serius gua sarankan siapa2 yang tengah syok ber-couple tu layan la lagu ni. Lagi-lagi yang sang teruna, bila lu punya awek dok merajuk ke, tak pun jauh di mata, apa yang lu kena buat senang je bai. Kasi lu punya awek tu kat gua kan senang?? OK2 gua saja nak gurau. Kalau rindu kat sang dara, nyanyi la lagu ni dekat dia melalui telefon bimbit lu bai. Gerenti dia cakap lu ni balak paling romantik. Nah gua kasi lu dengar sikit.
Nak lirik pun gua boleh bagi la bai. NAH AMEK!!
Saat aku tertawa di atas semua
Saat aku menangisi kesedihanku
Aku ingin engkau selalu ada
Aku ingin engkau aku kenang
Selama aku masih bisa bernafas
Masih sanggup berjalan
Ku kan slalu memujamu
Meski ku tak tau lagi
Engkau ada di mana
Dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu
Saat aku mencoba merubah sgalanya
Saat aku meratapi kekalahanku
Aku ingin engkau selalu ada
Aku ingin engkau aku kenang
Selama aku masih bisa bernafas
Masih sanggup berjalan
Ku kan slalu memujamu
Meski ku tak tau lagi
Engkau ada di mana
Dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu
Dengarkan aku ku merindukanmu
Pasal gua jiwang sangat ni?? adoi malu la pulak
Monday, August 15, 2011
Dah dekat setengah bulan puasa. Gua sekarang puasa dekat Perak, dekat kampung bos merangkap abah gua. Sini internet boleh tahan jugak slow, baru hari ni dapat bukak blog. Esok nak balik Klang, ada urusan sikit nak setel dekat sana. Maca mana la agaknya Klang sekarang? Dah ada menara setinggi KLCC kah yang telah dibina oleh kerajaan tempatang bawah pimpinan parti Pakatan Rakyat? OK2 gua tak campur politik sini. Esok sampai rumah, gua nak kasi update kaw2. keh3
Sunday, July 31, 2011
kenyang gila lepas sahur, terus Subuh,sekarang rasa nak tertidur
gua mula puasa penuh masa darjah 3. Alhamdulillah la sampai sekarang masih puasa penuh. Tak tau la kalau tiba-tiba tahun ni gua dapat period ke, baru la tak payah puasa kan. Lauk sahur pertama gua untuk tahun ni ialah ketam masak lemak cili api, ikan sepat kering. mak gua memang terbaik la, bangun dalam pukul 4, terus masak sahur. gua punya kenyang tak payah nak cakap la, terus ketat seluar dibuatnya.
maka bermulalah episod baru Ramadhan dalam hidup gua. bersyukur pasal Allah masih bagi peluang. Kepada semua yang baca post ni, selamat berpuasa semua, puasa kasi penuh bai, Tarawikh jangan lupa
maka bermulalah episod baru Ramadhan dalam hidup gua. bersyukur pasal Allah masih bagi peluang. Kepada semua yang baca post ni, selamat berpuasa semua, puasa kasi penuh bai, Tarawikh jangan lupa
Friday, July 29, 2011
Buat Projek
Ini projek bukan "projek" yang korang dah dok terbayang dalam kepala tu. Tadi gua dah dapat e-mel daripada Fakulti Undang-Undang gua yang tersayang, pasal kertas projek dan penyelia sekali. Gua mula-mula dah nak lupa pasal benda ni, nasib baik tadi cek emel. Tajuk kertas projek gua ialah :
"Peruntukan berkaitan jenayah seksual di Malaysia : Keberkesanan sepanjang implementasi sehingga kini "
Mantap tak gua punya topik?? Gua tau memang mantap dan terbaik, tak payah la puji lebih-lebih. Gua dah dapar bayangkan lepas ni kena pergi interview dekat balai polis, interview dengan peguam-peguam, dan macam-macam la lagi. Dah la tinggal berapa hari nak puasa. Esok gua dah nak balik kampung, mula buat dekat kampung la jawabnya, sambil-sambil dok rehat dekat kebun bapak gua, boleh luangkan masa nak buat kertas projek sekali kan? OK Aliff, kerja berat bakal bermula.
Kepada rakan-rakan, semoga berjaya mengharungi pelbagai cabaran yang bakal mendatang dalam menyiapkan kertas projek. Kasi kerjasama dengan penyelia masing-masing, nanti korang fail, tak dapat grad pulak.
Monday, July 25, 2011
it is near
Ramadhan is fast approaching. A month synonymous with fasting. What better way to train your tummy to resist the enticing temptation of food-devouring, rather than to start having "puasa sunat" by now? Alhamdulillah, today's fasting went pretty well. Still, on the abrupt side, I need to get rid of too much nap. Other than that, I need to protect all my senses from all that is bad, because Ramadhan is not all about abstaining myself from eating only. A few days left before enduring the Holy Month. My Raya preparations are all set and done. Thanks to Abah for being so generously nice to "support' me. One more thing, I'm feeling so FULL right now. Could'nt even move the slightest of muscle. Gosh, I need to control the amount of food intake during berbuka. Feels funny, but this has been happening every year for me. A new Ramadhan resolution? Yeah, have one in my mine.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
rumah kedua
TADDDAAAAAA!!!! Kejut ke!!???? I tau la you all semua sudah manyak rindu sama I kan!!???
OK sori, gua saja je nak menggedik tadi, harap-harap tak ada sesiapa yang terluka hati atau terdetik mahu melempang diri ini ye. Dah dekat seminggu gua tak dapat nak online, jadi rasa teruja la sikit bila dapat kali ni. Gua baru saja sampai rumah, selama ni gua menghilang pasal gua ada urusan dekat kampung halaman gua yang terletak di Batu 17, Ayer Tawar , Perak. Bapak gua dah pencen, jadi sekarang dia nak buat rumah dekat kampung. Sampai saja dekat sana, memang tak dapat nak rehat. Bapak gua ambil keputusan nak cat rumah tu sendiri, jadi gua ni sah-sah la kena jadi kuli dia. Memang sibuk, luar dalam, semua nak kena cat.
Rumah ni ada lagi yang tak lengkap. Simen-simen berterabur lagi kat tepi . Perabot baru sikit yang masuk. Cat dalam pun tak habis lagi. Tapi puas hati la, luar semua dah habis cat.
Duduk dekat kampung memang best. Nyaman,tenang,tak bising. Belakang rumah gua tu ada kebun pulak. Tapi agak sengal la, pasal line selalu tak ada. Lawak jugak bila fikir balik. Family gua rancang nak puasa dengan raya sepenuhnya dekat kampung. Tak macam dulu, dah dekat nak habis puasa, baru gerak balik kampung. Kepada semua rakan-rakan yang duduk di utara tanah air atau sekitar Lembah Kinta, jemput-jemput la datang beraya ke rumah saya ni ye Yang duduk Lembah Klang atau jauh-jauh tu, kalau korang dapat datang, memang gua terharu bila la bai.
OK sori, gua saja je nak menggedik tadi, harap-harap tak ada sesiapa yang terluka hati atau terdetik mahu melempang diri ini ye. Dah dekat seminggu gua tak dapat nak online, jadi rasa teruja la sikit bila dapat kali ni. Gua baru saja sampai rumah, selama ni gua menghilang pasal gua ada urusan dekat kampung halaman gua yang terletak di Batu 17, Ayer Tawar , Perak. Bapak gua dah pencen, jadi sekarang dia nak buat rumah dekat kampung. Sampai saja dekat sana, memang tak dapat nak rehat. Bapak gua ambil keputusan nak cat rumah tu sendiri, jadi gua ni sah-sah la kena jadi kuli dia. Memang sibuk, luar dalam, semua nak kena cat.
Abah nak warna oren |
Rumah ni ada lagi yang tak lengkap. Simen-simen berterabur lagi kat tepi . Perabot baru sikit yang masuk. Cat dalam pun tak habis lagi. Tapi puas hati la, luar semua dah habis cat.
Duduk dekat kampung memang best. Nyaman,tenang,tak bising. Belakang rumah gua tu ada kebun pulak. Tapi agak sengal la, pasal line selalu tak ada. Lawak jugak bila fikir balik. Family gua rancang nak puasa dengan raya sepenuhnya dekat kampung. Tak macam dulu, dah dekat nak habis puasa, baru gerak balik kampung. Kepada semua rakan-rakan yang duduk di utara tanah air atau sekitar Lembah Kinta, jemput-jemput la datang beraya ke rumah saya ni ye Yang duduk Lembah Klang atau jauh-jauh tu, kalau korang dapat datang, memang gua terharu bila la bai.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
my first interest
Its been two years, make it three I guess (taking into account my foundation studies)....since the first day I stepped into a higher educational institute tu pursue my studies in law. Its a tough course to say the least, so tough that maybe medicine is the only course to match with its bombarding way of studies. (Other courses, no offense you guys). I've met so many acts, codes, treaties even some pre-historic cases. Read it, sure. Memorize? That's a whole other new level, considering how unreasonable for a normal human brain to keep up with such exorbitant number of data. Nothing to regret though from my behalf, because this is the field that I dreamt of engaging myself into since my yester-years.
Still, I do have one other passion. A passion for sounds, beautiful sounds, produced from the pluckings of a six-string instrument they called the GUITAR.
E, B, G, D, A, and E. The pitch of each respective strings from top to bottom. The way to play it varies in accordance to the type of music one wants to play. Not forgetting the type of guitar one is using, either acoustic or amplified. My so-called history with this instrument tracks back to my retro days in MCKK, the school where I learnt so many stuffs, stuffs that some even parents are not obliged to teach. I dont know, but it has become some sort of a tradition for MCKK students that playing guitars is considered a must. I'm not saying all, but each batch will have a substantial number of guitarist that forming more than three bands per-batch is normal. Some say that this is all due to the influence of the indie-band BUTTERFINGERS, one of the earliest pioneers of the underground music scene in Malaysia. Well, you guest it. Excluding Emmet, the vocalist, all members of the band are alumni of MCKK.
They might have been the force of this playing-guitar plague that has been infecting most of my school students till this day. Personally, I first encountered a guitar when I was 15. Never really knew how to play it back then, though. Then I learnt how to play it in a more proper way, producing true music sounds instead of a privolous pluckings. It took me quite awhile, my tender fingers were always in pain each time I played. Then, everything when to another step as my friends and I began having jamming session on each Saturday outtings in a place called Zai Am Studio. An old studio, never close to cozzy. But we loved that place
From playing simple acoustic guitars, we have now started to hit the crunching new tunes of electric. I continued to play guitar, until I graduated right after my SPM. I have two guitars of my own, just purchasing it for fun I guess.
I love almost every musical genre that is associated with guitar. In all honesty, I due contemplated once that if I did not further my studies in law, I might focus on music and make a living out of it, profesionally that is. Some few years ago, some childish memories and dreams of mine. Back to reality, the level of hecticness of my legal studies that I have to endure daily, have left me with little time to enjoy myself with the musical instrument that I cheerish the most. Yet, I do use any of my leisure time to have a simple pluck. My playing style have deteriorate since finishing school, but come on, its just for fun. Nothing more.
That's all for now. Good bye, folks!
Still, I do have one other passion. A passion for sounds, beautiful sounds, produced from the pluckings of a six-string instrument they called the GUITAR.
E, B, G, D, A, and E. The pitch of each respective strings from top to bottom. The way to play it varies in accordance to the type of music one wants to play. Not forgetting the type of guitar one is using, either acoustic or amplified. My so-called history with this instrument tracks back to my retro days in MCKK, the school where I learnt so many stuffs, stuffs that some even parents are not obliged to teach. I dont know, but it has become some sort of a tradition for MCKK students that playing guitars is considered a must. I'm not saying all, but each batch will have a substantial number of guitarist that forming more than three bands per-batch is normal. Some say that this is all due to the influence of the indie-band BUTTERFINGERS, one of the earliest pioneers of the underground music scene in Malaysia. Well, you guest it. Excluding Emmet, the vocalist, all members of the band are alumni of MCKK.
Butterfingers. |
From playing simple acoustic guitars, we have now started to hit the crunching new tunes of electric. I continued to play guitar, until I graduated right after my SPM. I have two guitars of my own, just purchasing it for fun I guess.
YAMAHA Acoustic guitar |
IBANEZ, with amps. Man, I look bad with side-burns |
That's all for now. Good bye, folks!
Friday, July 1, 2011
writings of a mad Harahap
Is this a subtle form of a sabotage? Is this all a conspiracy? It should not be..its illogical. why should it be as such? come on, stop kidding for crying out loud. But lets think, for a split second, it could be, right? Nothing is exorbitant nowadays, everything could be unparallel to what it is supposed to be back at day 1. The world is all about irrelevancy, that makes the world go round. There's no way you could distinguish between a hoax and the fact, at least as I'm concern that is. What..voices? Don't trust them. Wait, perhaps you should, that could be the only way out for you from this tunnel that leads to your own perdition. You might savour salvation by hearing them. Amidst all of this, create a plan of your own. Because if you fail to do so, there's nothing more awaits you, than destruction..
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Allah selamatkan Muhammad Aliff
Maka dengan ini gua yang bernama Muhammad Aliff bin Abd Rani sudahlah berumur 21 tahun. Sehubungan dengan itu, gua sudah layak untuk mengundi. Selain itu juga, gua sudah boleh bertanggungan dalam apa-apa kesalahan jenayah berdasarkan Kanun Keseksaan, seperti kesalahan merogol, kelucahan melampau, curi dan juga mematikan orang dengan salah. Malam semalam, abah gua belanja gua makan Western Food ter-best yang pernah wujud dalam dunia ni, iaitu chicken chop.
Dah lama bai gua tak merasa chicken chop,maklum la, gua kan orang putih. ( ^___^). Sambil tu makan Yong Tau Fu sikit. Malam paling kenyang dalam hidup gua. Fikir-fikir balik, cepat betul masa berlalu, dulu-dul gua kecik comel je, sekarang dah dewasa,kacak bergaya pulak tu. Tak percaya, mari gua bawak lu semua ke satu pengembaraan tentang perubahan dan evolusi gua :
Masa ni gua umur 2 tahun,baru nak belajar naik basikal |
Masa umur 6 tahun |
Yang ni pulak masa gua umur 5 tahun |
Darjah 2,gua dapat hadiah pasal dapat nombor 1 dalam kelas |
Zaman indah di MCKK, masa form 3 |
Dan akhir sekali,inilah diri gua sekarang...
Pergh kacak gila mamat ni!!! |
Lebih kurang macam tu la evolusi hidup gua. Sedar-sedar dah 21 tahun. Dari zaman sekolah rendah,kena campak masuk asrama sampai 5 tahun, dan dah pun masuk universiti. Gua nak ucap terima kasih banyak-banyak dekat mak bapak gua pasal sanggup besarkan gua sampai lebih dua dekad ni. Terima kasih jugak untuk semua kawan-kawan dari Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Methodist Port Klang, MCKK, UiTM Shah Alam dan UKM yang wish selamat untuk gua. Serius, gua terharu bai.
Yang mantap pasal harijadi gua ni,ada dua perkara yang terjadi hari ni :
1. Transformers : Dark Of The Moon keluar kat pawagam
2. Hari ni Isra' Mikraj
So, memandangkan Isra' Mikraj, gua pun berpuasa la hari ni. Harap-harap dapat la menambahkan sikit pahala. Esok gua ingat nak pergo tengok Transformers la,dengar-dengar ni final installment dari Michael Bay. Kena tengok bai!!!
Rasanya tu saja la kot. Sekali lagi, terima kasih untuk yang wish, see you guys next post. :)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
bakal mencecah
Esok merupakan hari yang sangat best. Dah la Transformers keluar esok, Isra' Mikraj pun kena hari yang sama. But the one that really thrills me is that by tomorrow (29 June 2011), I will be officially 21 years old. Catch you guys latter , promise to give a proper post on this with some cool pictures of mine. Ni intro je baru..hehehehe
Monday, June 27, 2011
sleeping with a red jumpsuit
Tatkala nguapan mulut gua kian membesar, gua mengelamun seketika. Malam ni sumpah gua boring. Bukan la nak kata malam-malam lain tu best sangat, tapi entah pasal apa malam ni tusukan kebosanan tu begitu dalam di sanubari diri yang hensem ini. Sampai ke tahap gua jadi tak tenang. Seperti biasa hari Isnin malam Selasa, gua akan tengok cerita Juvana dekat TV3
Drama mingguan ni memang tak berapa nak cliche la kalau nak banding dengan drama Melayu lain. Pasal sebuah sekolah juvana,watak utama dia pulak masuk sekolah ni pasal kesalahan yang dia tak buat. Tapi skrip cerita dia memang kaw-kaw punya terabur, gua cakap bai. Pelakon pun macam nak-tak nak saja berlakon. Mungkin pasal ramai pelakon pelapis kot. Tapi gua tengok jugak la,pasal dah boring sangat.
Gua pun online lepas drama ni habis. Tiba-tiba gua teringat satu lagu yang gua cukup layan masa gua form 5 dulu. Time tu gua memang kepala otak tension gila (pasal SPM la agaknya) dan jugak pasal sebab-sebab peribadi lain yang tak boleh gua cakap dekat sini. Jadi, gua suka cari ketenangan dalam muzik. Ada sebuah band yang baru nak naik masa tu, dari U.S.A, nama band ni The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
Lagu dia banyak bergenre "emo". So memang kena la dengan jiwa gua masa tu. Serius,setiap kali gua tension, fikir pasal macam-macam masalah, gua pun terus duduk, dan layan band ni. Antara lagu diorang yang paling best ialah Face Down. Ni debut- single band ni. Lirik dia pun bagi gua agak best la, lebih kurang macam seseorang yang memberontak.
Kat atas ni ada video lagu ni. Lepas dengar dekat 2-3 round, baru la gua rasa tenang sikit malam ni. Tapi kalau lu jenis yang mat jiwang, jangan la dengar, karang makin tension ada la.
Selamat malam semua,saja nak post sebelum tidur..:)
Drama mingguan ni memang tak berapa nak cliche la kalau nak banding dengan drama Melayu lain. Pasal sebuah sekolah juvana,watak utama dia pulak masuk sekolah ni pasal kesalahan yang dia tak buat. Tapi skrip cerita dia memang kaw-kaw punya terabur, gua cakap bai. Pelakon pun macam nak-tak nak saja berlakon. Mungkin pasal ramai pelakon pelapis kot. Tapi gua tengok jugak la,pasal dah boring sangat.
Gua pun online lepas drama ni habis. Tiba-tiba gua teringat satu lagu yang gua cukup layan masa gua form 5 dulu. Time tu gua memang kepala otak tension gila (pasal SPM la agaknya) dan jugak pasal sebab-sebab peribadi lain yang tak boleh gua cakap dekat sini. Jadi, gua suka cari ketenangan dalam muzik. Ada sebuah band yang baru nak naik masa tu, dari U.S.A, nama band ni The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
Lagu dia banyak bergenre "emo". So memang kena la dengan jiwa gua masa tu. Serius,setiap kali gua tension, fikir pasal macam-macam masalah, gua pun terus duduk, dan layan band ni. Antara lagu diorang yang paling best ialah Face Down. Ni debut- single band ni. Lirik dia pun bagi gua agak best la, lebih kurang macam seseorang yang memberontak.
Kat atas ni ada video lagu ni. Lepas dengar dekat 2-3 round, baru la gua rasa tenang sikit malam ni. Tapi kalau lu jenis yang mat jiwang, jangan la dengar, karang makin tension ada la.
Selamat malam semua,saja nak post sebelum tidur..:)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Bersih = Clean
It's pretty obvious that most Malaysians are more than aware of this logo up here. In actuality, it's a Malay translation of the word "Clean". Scheduled on the 9th of July, its will be conducted in the form of a rally right at the heart of the nation's capital. The objective ; mainly are to ensure a better system during all elections, so we are told. A direct message to the Election Committee I should say. The main personnel ; Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, well-known as the former President of The Bar Council. An impervious indiviual who advocates on the emphasis of human rights, she is the back-bone of this would-to-be gathering
The Malaysian Government have viewed this demonstration in a rather negative spectrum. This is getting pretty much palpable with the fact that almost in the end of every news bulletin, the final words from the news anchor is that every Malaysian should live in harmony and avoid any activities that might triggered riot. So much for a subliminal form of a message. Most right-sided entities have given the view that such rally or gathering must not take place in Kuala Lumpur, by arguing that if would only spark detrimental results. For example, the decrease of the nation's income from the tourism industry, the most popular argument thus far. Some even argue that why dont this rally be conducted in a much safer and confined compound, like in a stadium for example. Much of the criticism of the upcoming rally had been nothing more than mere words, as so far, there are no signs that it would be cancelled. Much of the future participants have countered that this is the only way to show to the EC and the Government as a whole, on what they want for the future of the Malaysian Election.
I must say, that Malaysia is one of the worse country, in perspective of the human rights issue. Who could deny that? Most of the blame have been forwarded to the seemingly unscrupulous enforcement of the Internal Security Act. The Government have made it clear that they will not hesitate to use this act to any participants of this upcoming rally. Hence, the right to gather as layed down in Article 10 of the Federal Constitution have been used as the most pivotal shield by the Bersih participants. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, why should anyone be arguing it?...most of them said. Yet, one must not look at the provision frivolously as the enforcers does have the rights to hinder such gathering if any form of violence ensues. Although most have said that this would be a safe rally, the conundrum continues as to whether the assurance of safety would proven to be a reality on that faithful day.
No one is arguing on the essence of this upcoming event. Its a good medium to show what the citizens wants for the near future. It is just that in this country, where street demonstrations have been viewed as a taboo, the organizers should look on the most effective approach so that their expression would be understood by the government in a more justified manner, for both parties,that is.
All my best wishes to the BERSIH rally and all its participants. Please, ensure that in the course of the demonstration, no form of danger and riot would follow through. Besides, I do hope you guys are successful in reaching this rally's objectives, because if you don't, all of you would be the biggest laughing-stock for years to come. I can ensure you that. Be "BERSIH".
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Malam semalam dah pun final Maharaja Lawak. 13 minggu bai bersiaran. Lepas show dekat Johor,Pahang etc., akhirnya siaran ni melabuhkan tirai dekat Stadium Melawati Shah Alam. Gua mula-mula ingat nak pergi tengok live dekat sana, tapi memandangkan ada beberapa "masalah", gua pun tengok dekat rumah saja la.
Lepas Gelanggang Raja Lawak 5 habis dulu, gua memang tak sabar gila nak tunggu ML mula. Ini bukan macam edisi Raja Lawak yang biasa, tapi peserta-peserta Raja Lawak yang terpilih dari yang pertama sampai edisi ke-5 akan masuk. Jozan, Jambu,Nabil,XN3,Sepah,Jihan, Man, ramai lagi la. Mantap gila, pasal all-star punya pertandingan.
Final semalam memang dah ramai yang jangka, siapa yang akan masuk. Ada 4 finalis :
Sepanjang 13 minggu ni, Jozan selalu sangat dapat undian tertinggi. So malam semalam diorang memang calon pilihan la untuk jadi juara. Macam-macam tema pihak Astro bagi untuk setiap minggu, Jozan bagi gua la yang paling excel. Baik dari tema Silent Comedy,sampai la ke tema Cross-gender. Nabil masa mula-mula agak lemah,mungkin pasal kontroversi yang kena dekat dia kot. Jambu mula-mula slow je gua tengok. Sepah macam biasa la, banyak lawak kasar. Final semalam gua agak koyak la, pasal dalam banyak-banyak tema komedi, Musical Comedy la yang paling gua tak berapa nak masuk. Tapi tema ni la yang Astro kasi. Tahap final ni, menurut pandangan gua la, mediocre je. Tak la semantap minggu-minggu sebelum ni. Tapi gua memang seronok la dengan "alter-ego" Jozan, iaitu Ah Chai dengan Mael Lambung. Susah bai, nak cari artis Malaysia yang dapat hasilkan satu watak lain dari diri diorang, dulu setahu gua AC Mizal saja yang pernah buat, iaitu Cik Mat Poi.
Bila keputusan diumum, keputusannya :
1. Sepah
2. Jozan
3. Nabil
Sumpah gua terkejut bai. Mungkin pasal persembahan Sepah malam tu menonjol lebih sikit, so diorang menang. Markah juri pun faktor jugak. Maka berbangga la semua warga Johor, pasal Sepah ni orang Johor. Tapi tak kisah la, pasal semua peserta dapat duit. Kaya bai semua finalis ni,juara dapat lebih kurang RM500,000. Belum campur bayaran diorang perform setiap minggu lagi. Yang penting bagi gua, program ni dah buktikan yang komedi dekat Malaysia ni masih hidup. Kalau la Allahyarhan Tan Sri P. Ramlee hidup lagi, dia mesti bangga. Rating TV rancangan ni pun pecah rekod bai. Tahniah la Astro. Harap-harap dalam tempoh 5 tahun nanti, Maharaja Lawak 2 pulak keluar.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Menonton bola di hadapan televisyen sudahlah menjadi kesukaan gua dari dulu. Bukak MTV dengan Hitz.TV, dengan harapan setinggi gunung adalah lagu-lagu best yang baru. Last2, bukannya ada lagu best pun. Balik-balik lagu yang berunsur "clubbing" ni jugak. Mak dan abah balik kampung, ada urusan. Gua tak ikut, pasal ada hal dekat sini. Adik gua meniarap, sambil meng"atas-garisan"kan dirinya dengan komputer riba ACER. Bosan, cuti memang selalu macam tu kan? Gua nak kerja, abah suruh tolong dia dekat kampung saja. Facebook dan Twitter jangan dilupa, peneman setia di kala boring.
Tiba-tiba gua perasan, "La, gua ada blog ke bai? Lupa pulak" Lantas dengan satu klik yang mudah, laman Blogger ini sekali lagi gua jelajah. Sumpah lama gila bai tak bukak. Laman tempat gua curahkan perasaan,luahkan apa yang terpendam, laman memaki orang. Gua ni pendiam sebenarnya, laman ni saja la tempat gua nak meraban sikit. Kena pulak malam ni entah kenapa bosan gua jadi tahap gila-gila tak dapat tahan,gua kasi la satu post dekat sini. Dah berhabuk pun page ni.
OK,apa gua nak merepek pun gua tak tahu bai. Pasal exam?? Dah lebih seminggu keputusan keluar, keputusannya?? Gua meningkat,Alhamdulillah. Cuma gua kecewa la sikit pasal tak capai ke tahap yang gua dok impikan selama gua bermimpi setiap malam. Dah 4 sem bai gua try. Hampir sangat dah nak capai, mungkin kalau tak pasal satu emel tu, gua dah seronok sekarang. Kecewa jugak la, gua memang dah yakin semester ni dapat apa yang gua nak. Gua berborak baru-baru ni dengan seorang "Old Boy" sekolah gua,kenalan abah. Lulusan luar negara. Gaya macam mat salleh pun ada. Dia cakap "jangan risau, ini semua konspirasi nak jatuhkan kau. Orang memang tak suka kita ni naik. What you're going through is a complete nonsense." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Gua hanya mampu gelak bila dengar dia cakap macam tu. Mungkin betul. Tapi, come on la, siapa la gua ni sangat? Gua bukan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, petah berbicara. Gua bukan Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, memegang "KHAZANAH" negara. Sampai ke tahap orang nak konspirasi pulak nak jatuhkan. Mula-mula memang la tension,nak salahkan semua orang. Fikir-fikir balik ,baik la salahkan diri sendiri. Abah dengan mak pun faham. Yang penting, gua meningkat dan gua faham apa yang gua belajar. Fikir saja pasal diri sendiri, buat apa nak ambil tahu pasal orang lain.
Sepanjang cuti ini gua berkhidmat sebagai khadam, kuli, dan juga driver kepada kedua-dua ibubapa gua. Kerja macam ni memang la best, ikut suka hati gua saja bila nak bangun pagi. Tak payah pakai uniform. Tapi gaji memang sikit la. Jadi la. Bapak gua lagi suka gua dekat rumah, boleh disuruh buat macam-macam. Jelez jugak dengan kawan-kawan yang ada kerja macam-macam dekat luar. Tak dilupakan senior-senior fakulti gua yang hampir kesemuanya dah pun habis latihan "sangkutan" diorang. Tahniah2,nanti ajar la gua yang junior ni selok belok bersangkutan ye. Gua dengar senior-senior yang baru grad pun dah mula dapat offer kerja macam-macam. Ada yang chambering, ada yang masuk AGC. Tak kisah la lapangan mana yang korang ambil. Tahniah ye, semoga berjaya pada masa depan. Gua fikir-fikir balik, tinggal lagi 2 tahun nak habis belajar. Sekarang masa untuk fikir ke depan saja bai, tak payah nak toleh belakang. Rata-rata member fakulti gua mungkin dah ada rancangan masa hadapan,gua pun dah ada. Tapi tak boleh la bagitau, gua suka buat surprise. keh keh keh keh....
Gua pun dah mengantuk ni. Sumpah gua rasa best dapat bukak blog balik. Jumpa lagi brader-brader dan cikaro-cikaro sekalian, gua nak tido...salam sejahtera..:)
Tiba-tiba gua perasan, "La, gua ada blog ke bai? Lupa pulak" Lantas dengan satu klik yang mudah, laman Blogger ini sekali lagi gua jelajah. Sumpah lama gila bai tak bukak. Laman tempat gua curahkan perasaan,luahkan apa yang terpendam, laman memaki orang. Gua ni pendiam sebenarnya, laman ni saja la tempat gua nak meraban sikit. Kena pulak malam ni entah kenapa bosan gua jadi tahap gila-gila tak dapat tahan,gua kasi la satu post dekat sini. Dah berhabuk pun page ni.
OK,apa gua nak merepek pun gua tak tahu bai. Pasal exam?? Dah lebih seminggu keputusan keluar, keputusannya?? Gua meningkat,Alhamdulillah. Cuma gua kecewa la sikit pasal tak capai ke tahap yang gua dok impikan selama gua bermimpi setiap malam. Dah 4 sem bai gua try. Hampir sangat dah nak capai, mungkin kalau tak pasal satu emel tu, gua dah seronok sekarang. Kecewa jugak la, gua memang dah yakin semester ni dapat apa yang gua nak. Gua berborak baru-baru ni dengan seorang "Old Boy" sekolah gua,kenalan abah. Lulusan luar negara. Gaya macam mat salleh pun ada. Dia cakap "jangan risau, ini semua konspirasi nak jatuhkan kau. Orang memang tak suka kita ni naik. What you're going through is a complete nonsense." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Gua hanya mampu gelak bila dengar dia cakap macam tu. Mungkin betul. Tapi, come on la, siapa la gua ni sangat? Gua bukan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, petah berbicara. Gua bukan Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, memegang "KHAZANAH" negara. Sampai ke tahap orang nak konspirasi pulak nak jatuhkan. Mula-mula memang la tension,nak salahkan semua orang. Fikir-fikir balik ,baik la salahkan diri sendiri. Abah dengan mak pun faham. Yang penting, gua meningkat dan gua faham apa yang gua belajar. Fikir saja pasal diri sendiri, buat apa nak ambil tahu pasal orang lain.
Sepanjang cuti ini gua berkhidmat sebagai khadam, kuli, dan juga driver kepada kedua-dua ibubapa gua. Kerja macam ni memang la best, ikut suka hati gua saja bila nak bangun pagi. Tak payah pakai uniform. Tapi gaji memang sikit la. Jadi la. Bapak gua lagi suka gua dekat rumah, boleh disuruh buat macam-macam. Jelez jugak dengan kawan-kawan yang ada kerja macam-macam dekat luar. Tak dilupakan senior-senior fakulti gua yang hampir kesemuanya dah pun habis latihan "sangkutan" diorang. Tahniah2,nanti ajar la gua yang junior ni selok belok bersangkutan ye. Gua dengar senior-senior yang baru grad pun dah mula dapat offer kerja macam-macam. Ada yang chambering, ada yang masuk AGC. Tak kisah la lapangan mana yang korang ambil. Tahniah ye, semoga berjaya pada masa depan. Gua fikir-fikir balik, tinggal lagi 2 tahun nak habis belajar. Sekarang masa untuk fikir ke depan saja bai, tak payah nak toleh belakang. Rata-rata member fakulti gua mungkin dah ada rancangan masa hadapan,gua pun dah ada. Tapi tak boleh la bagitau, gua suka buat surprise. keh keh keh keh....
Gua pun dah mengantuk ni. Sumpah gua rasa best dapat bukak blog balik. Jumpa lagi brader-brader dan cikaro-cikaro sekalian, gua nak tido...salam sejahtera..:)
Monday, May 9, 2011
a woman I knew
Broken down to joyous tears. That was your response the minute the doctor told you that there is another heart-beating soul in your womb. Nine months of aggravation and agony had passed, and the moment the doctor lend my fragile body to your arms, you could only utter the words of appreciation to God. I wonder till this day, how much suffering that you had to endured while having me inside of you for nine months?
Since then, you have never looked behind even for a split second. Back when I was four, you filled you night leisureness by teaching me on how to recite the Holy Quran. I was so lazy, keep on running around to avoid all your lessons. It must have been hard for you to keep me quite back then, and even if you did manage to keep a hold of me, I keep on making all those annoying long-faces that would make any reasonable man to lose their indecisive nerves. Yet, you keep your own calm ground.
Then came the moment where I had to leave home to study in a boarding school. It was hard for me to acclimatize in a rather new surrounding, resulting in a series of home-sickness that really bugs me off. I keep on calling home,specifically you, to release all of these abhorrent feelings within me. You were there all the way, being an obedient listener.
After 20 years, I began to question myself, why haven't you complained even for once in regards to all the problems that I had drag you into? You keep on disparaging yourself, telling me that you never went to any prestigious alma mater, you have no goals in life, and you retirement was just another surplus,unlike the man you married. You keep on telling me that it would not be a wise decision to follow on your footsteps. When the world keeps on lambasting me, there are still some who believes, and one of them was you. You told me that I have a bright future up ahead,and I would not end up in veins. Well,heard that most of the time, but the ones that went through your mouth was the one that really made me happy.
All this while, I've been searching for another woman,just like you. After several rendezvous, I've failed, no one is even close to how great you are, not even my current girlfriend. After all the hardness that you went through, I've always reckon that I would repay you, though I knew, that would be almost impossible because what you did for me was way more. I give you my word, I will always belong to you, because you are second, to none. You are the best women I knew, you are my mother.
Since then, you have never looked behind even for a split second. Back when I was four, you filled you night leisureness by teaching me on how to recite the Holy Quran. I was so lazy, keep on running around to avoid all your lessons. It must have been hard for you to keep me quite back then, and even if you did manage to keep a hold of me, I keep on making all those annoying long-faces that would make any reasonable man to lose their indecisive nerves. Yet, you keep your own calm ground.
Then came the moment where I had to leave home to study in a boarding school. It was hard for me to acclimatize in a rather new surrounding, resulting in a series of home-sickness that really bugs me off. I keep on calling home,specifically you, to release all of these abhorrent feelings within me. You were there all the way, being an obedient listener.
After 20 years, I began to question myself, why haven't you complained even for once in regards to all the problems that I had drag you into? You keep on disparaging yourself, telling me that you never went to any prestigious alma mater, you have no goals in life, and you retirement was just another surplus,unlike the man you married. You keep on telling me that it would not be a wise decision to follow on your footsteps. When the world keeps on lambasting me, there are still some who believes, and one of them was you. You told me that I have a bright future up ahead,and I would not end up in veins. Well,heard that most of the time, but the ones that went through your mouth was the one that really made me happy.
All this while, I've been searching for another woman,just like you. After several rendezvous, I've failed, no one is even close to how great you are, not even my current girlfriend. After all the hardness that you went through, I've always reckon that I would repay you, though I knew, that would be almost impossible because what you did for me was way more. I give you my word, I will always belong to you, because you are second, to none. You are the best women I knew, you are my mother.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
2nd year...goodbye
A week had passed since my penultimate paper of the semester, in a direct response, concluding my life as a 2nd year law student. Good memories? Lots of them, compared to the rather less-fortunate I guess. Personally, I need to say that I am getting better. Not to brag or anything sort of, but I've been really serious on my studies, even more serious compared to my previous years. Luckily, the God-given endurance that is so hardly needed was there for me all the way.
For the record, my 2nd year as a law student had turned out to be in a more less-turbulent manner compared to the previous one. Maybe due to the fact that I've been more accustomed with my surroundings here, distinguishing it to my naive 1st year life.
For once angain, I am elected as a member of the Law Society here. Feels good that the members of the faculty still wants me around by presenting me with this honourable mandate again. I do feel thankful for them. I give you my words, I will serve you well.
Not much to say, a 4 months holiday is waiting for me. Happy holidays everyone, see you guys around!
For the record, my 2nd year as a law student had turned out to be in a more less-turbulent manner compared to the previous one. Maybe due to the fact that I've been more accustomed with my surroundings here, distinguishing it to my naive 1st year life.
For once angain, I am elected as a member of the Law Society here. Feels good that the members of the faculty still wants me around by presenting me with this honourable mandate again. I do feel thankful for them. I give you my words, I will serve you well.
Not much to say, a 4 months holiday is waiting for me. Happy holidays everyone, see you guys around!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
This Journey
What contributed to me being so unearthly lazy would remain unanswered for years to come. I have envisaged a more hardworking form to emerge form the depth of this lameness of myself for quite awhile, only for nothing to actually gets blossoming. Maybe thats the reason why I have been missing from this site for a substantially long period. I have gain some new stuffs, yet some to be proven detrimental. I remembered a few years ago, a particular person I knew told me that it doesnt matter who you are, what matters is what your goal, your target, your dream,regardless of how palpably illusive it might be. So to speak, I've been embarking in this endless throes, within me and with the world I knew. Trying to put myself together turns out to be not like a simple walk in the park. Right now, I am seeing some new and old faces, trying to emerge and getting hold of others around them,gaining disciples in order to prolong their pursuit of power and fame. This is happening everywhere right in front of my naked eyes, from the small medium of my tiny alma mater, to the selected peoples up there. The ones who succedeed has reach the summit of what a reasonable men could actually dreamt of, while the ones who failed, has been left with nothing, blinded in the cruel world of obscurity. Jealousy has always been a catalyst in the structural plan in a men's downfall. Yet, does misfortunes happened coincidently, or for a reason? Does a men's fall from grace occured due to malice, or should they actually deserves such bad luck? I wonder, how does someone actually be confirmed a place on the top, without a clear and significant contribution? Is that how a leader is actuall selected? Good looks and eloquency does play a vital part on this, I might say.
Now I am putting this from my point of view. Honestly, with this laziness in me, I considered myself nothing, just yet. Why should I down-grade myself to play a pro bono part in this boring drama? I don't see why I should support anyone because to be precise, I see no one to be worth supporting. Some say, that I should start to "be something". Well if this "be something" is to do the Devil's dirty work, I would rather be nothing for now. You dont need to tell me what to do, because I've strategized my own agenda. I don't need to lead right now, because now is the time for me to learn so that I would be prepared. I dont look at the one's who can only speak,without giving a sacrifice of their own. So stop talking and start seeing a reflection of yourself.
They might be the one's on top,for now. Yet, I suggest that they should be prepared for the perdition that is on the horizon for them. When that day comes, you'll fall, and I'll rise.
Now I am putting this from my point of view. Honestly, with this laziness in me, I considered myself nothing, just yet. Why should I down-grade myself to play a pro bono part in this boring drama? I don't see why I should support anyone because to be precise, I see no one to be worth supporting. Some say, that I should start to "be something". Well if this "be something" is to do the Devil's dirty work, I would rather be nothing for now. You dont need to tell me what to do, because I've strategized my own agenda. I don't need to lead right now, because now is the time for me to learn so that I would be prepared. I dont look at the one's who can only speak,without giving a sacrifice of their own. So stop talking and start seeing a reflection of yourself.
They might be the one's on top,for now. Yet, I suggest that they should be prepared for the perdition that is on the horizon for them. When that day comes, you'll fall, and I'll rise.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Frontman
The Frontman
With all the obedient disciples
Throughout the journey towards an obscure sojourn
Thinking of how accomplished you are
The Frontman
Your imperious nature comes from the imperviousity
By removing the blanket that blocks all that are white
While only making all that are black, invincible
The Frontman
What makes your kind so good?
The way you talk? The way you walk?
The handsome element does proves its pivotalness
But is that all?
The Frontman
Weeks, decades, years of endless defiance
The struggle of everything that looks silly,but rather not
Through this, the nuturing of wisdom does blossoms
Through this, people will bow
Not to the one who speaks through oblivion
But to the one who speaks with his action
Sacrificial deeds are a must
Ignominious results will be in the reckoning
But all will not be calamitous
Once you've become, The Frontman
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Mengucapkan Salam Maulidur Rasul kepada semua warga Blogger sekalian. Sesungguhnya biarlah pada hari kelahiran Baginda ini, akan bergemerlapan lagi Nur keimanan yang telah dihadiahkan dari Baginda kepada kita semua, sekalian umatnya. InsyAllah.
Monday, January 31, 2011
From expression, to danger..all in Egypt
I was quite amused to see some post on Facebook by my Malaysian compatriots in Egypt, that they are going to return home,concurrently with the date most Malaysian would be going on a holiday in conjuction with the Chinese New Year. Nothing weird, maybe Egypt does grant such festivals as holidays. However, I was soon to realize that it was not to be the case. The shocking fact was the nation's citizens are all going on a rampaging frenzy. Riots are conducted thoroughly nationwide. The catalyst towards the catastrophy : To bring the President, Hosni Mubaraq and his regime down to Earth.
Well, to be honest, it maybe the unsubtle manifestation of what the Egyptian have on their thoughts for the 3 decades of dictatorship by Hosni. Coming into office since 1981, he looks as if a sangfroid kind of figure,supposedly due to his military background. However, Egypt has suffered from all sorts of angle, due to the mischievous style of rule by Hosni. Notoriously, Egypt has one of the most corrupted government not just in the Arab region, but in the whole world. Hosni's policy which is favourable towards the Zionist in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has even made him a rather menacing figure, to the extend that Parade Magazine ranked him at number 20 of the list of World's Worst Dictator. Hosni Mubaraq's reign was to be seen as having a rather uncurtailed power, even greater than an "absolute monarchy" kind of rule. You guys can witness right now, even after this raucous wrath of the people, he still thinks that he is a figure to be reckon with. To show that, most online medium and phone coverage were blocked to limitize the spreading of anti-Hosni Mubaraq doctrine amongst the people. This goes far beyond just Egypt citizens, but to non-citizens as well.
I certainly felt that this might spark a new wave of Reinassance in the Arab region. A few days back, the then-President of the Tunisian Republic had to relinquish his post due to the emergence of the people. His over-fabulous life, which was concurrent with the poverty suffered by the Tunisians was just considered too much. I believe that this will continue in other Arab nations, which the citizens are getting much annoyed with the fact of how their rulers are so condemned to support the West, rather than to support their own brothers, who mostly shared the same oath of the Syahadah. However, I totally disagree with the way on how the citizens choses their medium of expression. I know that maybe most of them had been left disgruntled with their previous unsuccesfull ways, but causing riot nationwide is only contributing towards more calamitous consequences.
Most Malaysians in Egypt are students, medical students, most of them. Not to forget some who visits Egypt as a holiday sojourn. This chaotic condition causes the unprecedented large exodus of Malaysians from there this few days. Most of my friend had returned home safely in one piece. I do hope that the Malaysian Government would put an even stronger effort to retrieve all Malaysians from Egypt, to avoid them from being engage towards any unspeakable danger. Be strong, may Allah always be by your side, my compatriots.
Well, to be honest, it maybe the unsubtle manifestation of what the Egyptian have on their thoughts for the 3 decades of dictatorship by Hosni. Coming into office since 1981, he looks as if a sangfroid kind of figure,supposedly due to his military background. However, Egypt has suffered from all sorts of angle, due to the mischievous style of rule by Hosni. Notoriously, Egypt has one of the most corrupted government not just in the Arab region, but in the whole world. Hosni's policy which is favourable towards the Zionist in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has even made him a rather menacing figure, to the extend that Parade Magazine ranked him at number 20 of the list of World's Worst Dictator. Hosni Mubaraq's reign was to be seen as having a rather uncurtailed power, even greater than an "absolute monarchy" kind of rule. You guys can witness right now, even after this raucous wrath of the people, he still thinks that he is a figure to be reckon with. To show that, most online medium and phone coverage were blocked to limitize the spreading of anti-Hosni Mubaraq doctrine amongst the people. This goes far beyond just Egypt citizens, but to non-citizens as well.
I certainly felt that this might spark a new wave of Reinassance in the Arab region. A few days back, the then-President of the Tunisian Republic had to relinquish his post due to the emergence of the people. His over-fabulous life, which was concurrent with the poverty suffered by the Tunisians was just considered too much. I believe that this will continue in other Arab nations, which the citizens are getting much annoyed with the fact of how their rulers are so condemned to support the West, rather than to support their own brothers, who mostly shared the same oath of the Syahadah. However, I totally disagree with the way on how the citizens choses their medium of expression. I know that maybe most of them had been left disgruntled with their previous unsuccesfull ways, but causing riot nationwide is only contributing towards more calamitous consequences.
Most Malaysians in Egypt are students, medical students, most of them. Not to forget some who visits Egypt as a holiday sojourn. This chaotic condition causes the unprecedented large exodus of Malaysians from there this few days. Most of my friend had returned home safely in one piece. I do hope that the Malaysian Government would put an even stronger effort to retrieve all Malaysians from Egypt, to avoid them from being engage towards any unspeakable danger. Be strong, may Allah always be by your side, my compatriots.
Monday, January 24, 2011
What's written for me?
I am fast approaching the end of my second year in Law School. In a direct consequence, congrats Aliff, there's another two years upon graduating. I spent one year as a law matriculation student back in UiTM, that is prior upon entering an actual law school, which is in my case, proves to be UKM. OK there's still time, no need to sweat your head off just yet, most of my collegues told me that. Yet lately, I've been wondering on which field of expertise should I engage myself into right after receiving that illusive first scroll. Thus, here are the options :
Having an LLB Hons. qualifies one to practice law actively. This career seems to be rather a cliche for a law graduate. Upon becoming a lawyer, one needs to complete a 9 month practical programme, legally known as the "chambering". After that, one will officially be declared a lawyer, through a process named "called to the Bar". Most of the lawyers that I had met said that being called to the Bar was one of the most memorable event in their legal career life. Being a lawyer needs much of the best from you. Possessing an adequate level of eloquence will be instrumental. Not to forget a no-nonsence approach, as sometimes you may not just be dealing with money or properties, but someones life might even be at stake. Honestly, I don't think being a lawyer will be good for me. I seldom speak, not to mention how low the level of intransigence inside of me is. Still, my father do expresses his desire to see me become one. Even the urging to be a lawyer from my school-mates have made me even confused.
Thus here's another option. All LLB Hons graduate are qualified to become a first class magistrate. Most say that its hard to get yourself promoted, especially in the judiciary. My say, I think this one suits me well. To become one, I need to have a very critical mind, not to forget being impervious to all sorts of undue pressure. It becomes something of a driving force for me, to know that many MCKK alumnis had carved their names in the nations historic judiciary folklore. Amongst those are the late Tan Sri Azmi Kamarudin, former judge of the Supreme Court. His younger brother, Suhaimi Kamarudin, former UMNO Youth Chief who happens to be a practicing lawyer. Nowadays, a prominent MCOB's in the system is Datuk Hashim Yusof, judge in the Federal Court. Even a fellow Ayer Tawar men like me, Dato Abdul Rahim Uda(however,he is not from MCKK, he is a SDARA), who now holds the post of Hight Court Judge in Shah Alam, has become an instant idol in my village. I do acknowledge them, as they were graduates of my school. Hope that I will continue their legacy, hopefully.
This one seems to be rather simple on the surface. If I were to become one, I'll have my own office, and most of my daily routine would be drafting and observing legal documents, as well as giving any advices from the legal view. The consequence would be different, depending on what department I engage myself into, either govermental or non-govermental
A degree would not be sufficient enough. Having at least an LLM (Masters in Law) would be pivotal though. This career seems to be very easy, as what I need to do is teach, just like a teacher. Personally, I don't have any teaching skills, but as this career is much promising, especially in todays circumstances, I might give it a go.
All in all, there are many jobs a law graduate can get themselves into. Besides the one's that I mentioned earlier, there are also other promising careers such as Public Prosecutor, Federal Counsel, Police Officer, District Officer and even more. What vital for me is the endless pursuit towards something within someone. I admit that I am no A-grader, nor even a Dean-lister. But I never get easily indulge with myself. I'm contemplating to further my studies in the Master's level, perhaps even PhD, in the near future. And if proven possible, I might try to study abroad. That is one of my dreams that are yet to be achieved. Its not the title "Professor" or "Dr" that I want, its the dissaticfaction of what I have right now, the avarice for knowledge within myself that made me want to continue to study. Somehow, I felt rather lucky that most of my schoolmates are on the same page as me, as this first degree would not be the end for most of us.
"Jawatan Utama Sektor Awam". That seems quite hard to achieve. But still, the thrill and hardship of gaining that title makes me even more enthusiastic than ever. For now, that is my goal. I may not know what the future has in store for me, I just hope that it's a bright one.
Having an LLB Hons. qualifies one to practice law actively. This career seems to be rather a cliche for a law graduate. Upon becoming a lawyer, one needs to complete a 9 month practical programme, legally known as the "chambering". After that, one will officially be declared a lawyer, through a process named "called to the Bar". Most of the lawyers that I had met said that being called to the Bar was one of the most memorable event in their legal career life. Being a lawyer needs much of the best from you. Possessing an adequate level of eloquence will be instrumental. Not to forget a no-nonsence approach, as sometimes you may not just be dealing with money or properties, but someones life might even be at stake. Honestly, I don't think being a lawyer will be good for me. I seldom speak, not to mention how low the level of intransigence inside of me is. Still, my father do expresses his desire to see me become one. Even the urging to be a lawyer from my school-mates have made me even confused.
Thus here's another option. All LLB Hons graduate are qualified to become a first class magistrate. Most say that its hard to get yourself promoted, especially in the judiciary. My say, I think this one suits me well. To become one, I need to have a very critical mind, not to forget being impervious to all sorts of undue pressure. It becomes something of a driving force for me, to know that many MCKK alumnis had carved their names in the nations historic judiciary folklore. Amongst those are the late Tan Sri Azmi Kamarudin, former judge of the Supreme Court. His younger brother, Suhaimi Kamarudin, former UMNO Youth Chief who happens to be a practicing lawyer. Nowadays, a prominent MCOB's in the system is Datuk Hashim Yusof, judge in the Federal Court. Even a fellow Ayer Tawar men like me, Dato Abdul Rahim Uda(however,he is not from MCKK, he is a SDARA), who now holds the post of Hight Court Judge in Shah Alam, has become an instant idol in my village. I do acknowledge them, as they were graduates of my school. Hope that I will continue their legacy, hopefully.
This one seems to be rather simple on the surface. If I were to become one, I'll have my own office, and most of my daily routine would be drafting and observing legal documents, as well as giving any advices from the legal view. The consequence would be different, depending on what department I engage myself into, either govermental or non-govermental
A degree would not be sufficient enough. Having at least an LLM (Masters in Law) would be pivotal though. This career seems to be very easy, as what I need to do is teach, just like a teacher. Personally, I don't have any teaching skills, but as this career is much promising, especially in todays circumstances, I might give it a go.
All in all, there are many jobs a law graduate can get themselves into. Besides the one's that I mentioned earlier, there are also other promising careers such as Public Prosecutor, Federal Counsel, Police Officer, District Officer and even more. What vital for me is the endless pursuit towards something within someone. I admit that I am no A-grader, nor even a Dean-lister. But I never get easily indulge with myself. I'm contemplating to further my studies in the Master's level, perhaps even PhD, in the near future. And if proven possible, I might try to study abroad. That is one of my dreams that are yet to be achieved. Its not the title "Professor" or "Dr" that I want, its the dissaticfaction of what I have right now, the avarice for knowledge within myself that made me want to continue to study. Somehow, I felt rather lucky that most of my schoolmates are on the same page as me, as this first degree would not be the end for most of us.
"Jawatan Utama Sektor Awam". That seems quite hard to achieve. But still, the thrill and hardship of gaining that title makes me even more enthusiastic than ever. For now, that is my goal. I may not know what the future has in store for me, I just hope that it's a bright one.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
pesanan ikhlas Muhammad Aliff..
Gua perasan zaman sekarang ni ramai betul makhluk-makhluk tak sedar diri. Gua bukan ape bai, gua kurang senang sikit la dengan pemandangan ni. Benda ni makin jelas lepas gua masuk universiti. OK gua explain la sikit. "Benda-benda" ni dah la dok datang gua nye negeri,gua nye tempat, ade hati pulak nak buat taiko. Dok buat geng ramai-ramai, apa lu bajet orang takut la! Bapak lu sapa? Atuk lu sapa? Pengarah Siasatan Jenayah Bukit Aman eh? OK rendak sikit la, Ketua Polis Daerah Pelabuhan Klang.. Bukan kan? So kalau gua hentak lu sampai pecah sana-sini, cungkil sikit bijik mata tu so gua leh jual kat black market, lu ade ke back-up yang nak tolong lu, selain daripada geng2 malaun lu nye kampung yang takde la otai mana pun gua tengok? TAKDE KAN!!?? datang-datang sini baru la nak tunjuk lagak,blah la jahanam!!
Perghh lu olang punya fesyen aaaaa, gua manyak takut woo tengok. Rambut buat style itu ini, baju tak payah cakap la. Member gua yang merata-rata dok belajar oversea tu pun gua tengok elok je balik-balik sini, lu pulak baru masuk U, dah bergaya macam-macam. Gua faham la kalau lu memang urban punya orang,expected and excepted.. tapi masalahnya lu bukan bai! Macam kartun pun ada gua tengok. Konon muzik di hati la kan. Gua tanya sikit band-band macam As I Lay Dying, Bring Me The Horizon, Bullet For My Valentine, satu pun tak tau. Ingat style macam tu power la main gitar, last2 main pun macam haram, ade pulak tu langsung tak reti. Sumpah lawak tahap gaban bai!! Weh gaya macam lu tu, orang Barat tu pun dah tak layan la. Orang-orang kampung lu tu je yang dok obsess lagi. Updated la sikit bangang.
Sekali masuk U, hidup mesti mau sosial kan? or should I say soSIAL??? Sampai sini la pun baru nak bergaul dengan ramai-ramai orang, baru la nak join enjoy-enjoy ni semua, baru la nak jumpa orang negeri lain!! Ek eleh, ingat lu mantap sangat la dok terkinja-kinja clubbing malam-malam tu? Clubbing je pun, bukannya makan-makan kat hotel or pub yang mahal-mahal . Its OK doh, gua faham ,lu memang tak mampu pun. Dah la macam tu, sekali nak flirt dengan budak-budak pekan je semua. Flirt ramai-ramai pulak tu. Cewwwaahhh, hot la katakan. Ape? owh, diorang yang dok gatal dengan lu eh? memang la diorang nak gatal dengan lu, dah lu nye muka tu terang-terang ade tulis "JUALAN MURAH"!! memang la mamat-mamat ni dok cari. lu ingat diorang tu betul-betul suka sama lu? lu kena game je la bai. Fikir la sikit, dengan perangai tak senonoh, belajar pun merapu, datang pulak dari ulu @ negeri yang entah mane-mane, mamat-mamat @ minah-minah yang serupa hampeh & langsi macam lu je la yang terhegeh-hegeh. Tak payah bangga la bai. Tak payah la bangga ramai balak @ awek, entah celah mana yang hot pun gua tak tau. Lu takde standard, flirt-flirt lu tu pun sama la takde standard. Kalau ye pun sangap sangat, cari la orang lu sendiri, tak payah nak sebarkan kuman-kuman tempat lu tu dekat sini. Akai ada, akai!!??
Kadang-kadang bila gua tengok orang-orang macam ni, gua sendiri jadi insaf bai. Gua sedar apa tujuan mak bapak gua hantar gua belajar dari kecik sampai sekarang. Gua belajar jadi sedar diri, tu yang penting. Serius gua respek member-member gua yang datang dari keluarga yang kurang senang, tapi sedar diri. Sekarang ni dah ramai pun belajar sana-sini. Gua tumpang gembira bai dengan member-member gua yang macam ni. Cuma sesetengah malaun ni je yang buat gua berbulu semenjak dua menjak ni. Jadi, lantak la siapa-siapa pun yang nak terasa. Sedarlah asal-usul, sedar tanggungjwab, sedar diri sendiri. Sekian. Salam..
Perghh lu olang punya fesyen aaaaa, gua manyak takut woo tengok. Rambut buat style itu ini, baju tak payah cakap la. Member gua yang merata-rata dok belajar oversea tu pun gua tengok elok je balik-balik sini, lu pulak baru masuk U, dah bergaya macam-macam. Gua faham la kalau lu memang urban punya orang,expected and excepted.. tapi masalahnya lu bukan bai! Macam kartun pun ada gua tengok. Konon muzik di hati la kan. Gua tanya sikit band-band macam As I Lay Dying, Bring Me The Horizon, Bullet For My Valentine, satu pun tak tau. Ingat style macam tu power la main gitar, last2 main pun macam haram, ade pulak tu langsung tak reti. Sumpah lawak tahap gaban bai!! Weh gaya macam lu tu, orang Barat tu pun dah tak layan la. Orang-orang kampung lu tu je yang dok obsess lagi. Updated la sikit bangang.
Sekali masuk U, hidup mesti mau sosial kan? or should I say soSIAL??? Sampai sini la pun baru nak bergaul dengan ramai-ramai orang, baru la nak join enjoy-enjoy ni semua, baru la nak jumpa orang negeri lain!! Ek eleh, ingat lu mantap sangat la dok terkinja-kinja clubbing malam-malam tu? Clubbing je pun, bukannya makan-makan kat hotel or pub yang mahal-mahal . Its OK doh, gua faham ,lu memang tak mampu pun. Dah la macam tu, sekali nak flirt dengan budak-budak pekan je semua. Flirt ramai-ramai pulak tu. Cewwwaahhh, hot la katakan. Ape? owh, diorang yang dok gatal dengan lu eh? memang la diorang nak gatal dengan lu, dah lu nye muka tu terang-terang ade tulis "JUALAN MURAH"!! memang la mamat-mamat ni dok cari. lu ingat diorang tu betul-betul suka sama lu? lu kena game je la bai. Fikir la sikit, dengan perangai tak senonoh, belajar pun merapu, datang pulak dari ulu @ negeri yang entah mane-mane, mamat-mamat @ minah-minah yang serupa hampeh & langsi macam lu je la yang terhegeh-hegeh. Tak payah bangga la bai. Tak payah la bangga ramai balak @ awek, entah celah mana yang hot pun gua tak tau. Lu takde standard, flirt-flirt lu tu pun sama la takde standard. Kalau ye pun sangap sangat, cari la orang lu sendiri, tak payah nak sebarkan kuman-kuman tempat lu tu dekat sini. Akai ada, akai!!??
Kadang-kadang bila gua tengok orang-orang macam ni, gua sendiri jadi insaf bai. Gua sedar apa tujuan mak bapak gua hantar gua belajar dari kecik sampai sekarang. Gua belajar jadi sedar diri, tu yang penting. Serius gua respek member-member gua yang datang dari keluarga yang kurang senang, tapi sedar diri. Sekarang ni dah ramai pun belajar sana-sini. Gua tumpang gembira bai dengan member-member gua yang macam ni. Cuma sesetengah malaun ni je yang buat gua berbulu semenjak dua menjak ni. Jadi, lantak la siapa-siapa pun yang nak terasa. Sedarlah asal-usul, sedar tanggungjwab, sedar diri sendiri. Sekian. Salam..
Friday, January 7, 2011
memoirs of an old boy
That very day, I arrived early in the morning. The view of the school was rather breath-taking. A White House-like, kind of. Before that, I'm already thrilled with the fact that this letter came to my house
Astonished, delighted, confused, you name it. Every sorts of feeling bombarded me that particular moment when I read this letter. My father had already told me stories of this alma mater,from its illustrious folklore to its progress in providing the nation with top-class leaders. Entering Koleq would be making me a new flip of generation in my family's book to do such. My father's uncle, Dr Jaafar Thani bin Jamaluddin, his cousin, Rashi Radha Aban Faisal, and my 2nd nephew, Ahmad Riduan Dahari previously graduated from here too. The level of enthusiasm within me also got an adrenaline boost to know that Mr. Alimuddin bin Mohd Dom (now Tan Sri), the principal back then, is a close companion to my father, having grew up together in the suburbs of Ayer Tawar, Perak. In a direct consequence, I accepted the offer, in which I must admit, unrefussable.
Thus, began it was, my life in a new school, far away from home. I was so tender, not to forget vulnerable back then, having no knowledge whatsoever of what survival is all about. I cried a lot the moment my father's car left me alone, homesickness does affected me, besides the fact of how hard it is for me to acclimatize. Then again, I was never really alone. Dorm E, Prep School. It was the dormitory in which I was destined to stay for the first year of my life in Koleq. There, I met new friends from all across the region. On the evening a strange bell-like sound woke us up from all the uncomfortable feelings of being in a new environment. It was made buy our seniors, 5 form five's and 2 form 4's, who were were assigned to be our custodian for the whole year. I was scared to look at their fierce appearances on that particular 1st day, only to know that they are quite friendly actually. I tried to mingle with my dormmates that day, just to get myself all cheered up. That night, I did not had the most relaxing of all sleeps. I layed on my bed, thinking,asking myself ...."man, how can I survive here for the next five years?? ".....
8 years had past since that day. A wiser man? Guess I am, in regards to certain aspects. Most of the boys that came that day had already been in almost the same shoes as I am today. Studying in every corner of the world,domestically and internationally. The more things change, the more things stays the same. In regards to how things developed since I made my first step to the gates of Koleq, I did it, yes..I did it. I survived to be there for the next 5 years with flying colours. Surviving with my parents are no longer there for me. Beneath the surface of that fact, I tried to scutinize on how that half decade coloured my plain life. Being a Budak Koleq taughts you more than just books,numbers, and facts. Its about everything that chemicalised life. On my first year, it was an unconventional tradition that all form 1's must learn numerous songs, and one of it goes by the title "Corporate Song"
The place was rather old and rusty. Nevertheless, its always a favourite hanging spot for us. Not to forget the first time I even tried to wash my school uniform which resulted in disastrous results. Ragging, bullies, what do you expect from a boarding school? Pumping,half-way down, tar, common room., I had to endured all sorts of torturous stuffs that were inflicted to me and my batch members almost everyday in my junior's chapter. Primarily, I considered all of these are worthless,giving only bodily pain in return. Yet after leaving Koleq, I knew that all of those rampages were not even a quarter of how hard life could offer you outside. Thus, I came to realize that through all the hardships, we learnt what the world is all about.
Being a Budak Koleq is not about being macho, acting Playboy with all the girls we met, or even to brag with the fact of who we are. Its all about when "life" gets hard on us, and pushes us around, what would we do? My answer, we grab "life" by the throat. give it a piece of its own medicine, and tell it "GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!" That is what a True Blue Budak Koleq would do. Thats the element,plus all that we've learned, that made us all elites compared to others, and I must say, we deserve to be proud of it, because we did not gain it through ease, but we went through hell to earn that God-given right. I do believe, that beneath those hallowed floors of the Prep School, to Big School's Graeco-Roman pillars, the spirit of wisdom lingers in every corner, exorcising the new generations to keep up on the schools prestigious traditions.
Its been 8 years my friends,my brothers. After our exodus back then, we are still standing together. Some of us may be even trying to build on their respective lifes again, that includes me I guess. It may take awhile, but do believe me brothers, that this world is ours to conquer. Its only a matter of time till we take our rightful place again. Till then, lets us forever stay in unity towards the end of time. Happy 8th anniversary to all my brothers from the class of 2007...may our brotherhood last forever....
Astonished, delighted, confused, you name it. Every sorts of feeling bombarded me that particular moment when I read this letter. My father had already told me stories of this alma mater,from its illustrious folklore to its progress in providing the nation with top-class leaders. Entering Koleq would be making me a new flip of generation in my family's book to do such. My father's uncle, Dr Jaafar Thani bin Jamaluddin, his cousin, Rashi Radha Aban Faisal, and my 2nd nephew, Ahmad Riduan Dahari previously graduated from here too. The level of enthusiasm within me also got an adrenaline boost to know that Mr. Alimuddin bin Mohd Dom (now Tan Sri), the principal back then, is a close companion to my father, having grew up together in the suburbs of Ayer Tawar, Perak. In a direct consequence, I accepted the offer, in which I must admit, unrefussable.
Thus, began it was, my life in a new school, far away from home. I was so tender, not to forget vulnerable back then, having no knowledge whatsoever of what survival is all about. I cried a lot the moment my father's car left me alone, homesickness does affected me, besides the fact of how hard it is for me to acclimatize. Then again, I was never really alone. Dorm E, Prep School. It was the dormitory in which I was destined to stay for the first year of my life in Koleq. There, I met new friends from all across the region. On the evening a strange bell-like sound woke us up from all the uncomfortable feelings of being in a new environment. It was made buy our seniors, 5 form five's and 2 form 4's, who were were assigned to be our custodian for the whole year. I was scared to look at their fierce appearances on that particular 1st day, only to know that they are quite friendly actually. I tried to mingle with my dormmates that day, just to get myself all cheered up. That night, I did not had the most relaxing of all sleeps. I layed on my bed, thinking,asking myself ...."man, how can I survive here for the next five years?? ".....
8 years had past since that day. A wiser man? Guess I am, in regards to certain aspects. Most of the boys that came that day had already been in almost the same shoes as I am today. Studying in every corner of the world,domestically and internationally. The more things change, the more things stays the same. In regards to how things developed since I made my first step to the gates of Koleq, I did it, yes..I did it. I survived to be there for the next 5 years with flying colours. Surviving with my parents are no longer there for me. Beneath the surface of that fact, I tried to scutinize on how that half decade coloured my plain life. Being a Budak Koleq taughts you more than just books,numbers, and facts. Its about everything that chemicalised life. On my first year, it was an unconventional tradition that all form 1's must learn numerous songs, and one of it goes by the title "Corporate Song"
Tinggalkan ibu tinggalkan ayah
dan juga sanak saudara
kerana kolej kami turutkan
tanpa ragu dan bimbang
dan juga sanak saudara
kerana kolej kami turutkan
tanpa ragu dan bimbang
Dari utara hingga ke selatan
dari seluruh kawasan
kami berhimpun dalam satu badan
dengan satu tujuan
dari seluruh kawasan
kami berhimpun dalam satu badan
dengan satu tujuan
Belajar, dan segala
semuanya harus kami rasa
tiada kami pinta
namun kami terima
semuanya harus kami rasa
tiada kami pinta
namun kami terima
Ayuh semua kita bersama
satu hati sejiwa
bersama kita hadapi rintangan
demi masa hadapan
satu hati sejiwa
bersama kita hadapi rintangan
demi masa hadapan
It was melancholic, the melody that is. But the lyrics were all about appreciation, not just towards your loved ones, but towards yourselves. Many years had gone, but its rhythm has never failed to buzz in my brain every single day.
Unity, the fundamental to what being a Budak Koleq is all about. My friends and I were thoroughly taught on what it is all about during our Form 1's days. Being together in anytime, through thick or thin, no matter how insuperable the obstacles might be ahead of us. Respect towards one another. Not just towards the teachers or the seniors, but also towards the Mamak at the Shahreena Restaurant or the Mak Cik at the Square, where most of us would have a nice piece of roti canai & a cup of teh tarik almost every outtings on Saturday. Empathy amongst friends that made the bonds between us even closer than blood brothers. Every of this pivotal aspects were put to a heavy emphasis back then.
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After finishing our SPM. The last time.. |
Personally, I cheerished every moment of my previous life. I remembered every Saturday, where Zai Am Studio would be fully occupied by me my friends who were living to jamm our hearts out.
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a mini gig, I guess |
The place was rather old and rusty. Nevertheless, its always a favourite hanging spot for us. Not to forget the first time I even tried to wash my school uniform which resulted in disastrous results. Ragging, bullies, what do you expect from a boarding school? Pumping,half-way down, tar, common room., I had to endured all sorts of torturous stuffs that were inflicted to me and my batch members almost everyday in my junior's chapter. Primarily, I considered all of these are worthless,giving only bodily pain in return. Yet after leaving Koleq, I knew that all of those rampages were not even a quarter of how hard life could offer you outside. Thus, I came to realize that through all the hardships, we learnt what the world is all about.
Being a Budak Koleq is not about being macho, acting Playboy with all the girls we met, or even to brag with the fact of who we are. Its all about when "life" gets hard on us, and pushes us around, what would we do? My answer, we grab "life" by the throat. give it a piece of its own medicine, and tell it "GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!" That is what a True Blue Budak Koleq would do. Thats the element,plus all that we've learned, that made us all elites compared to others, and I must say, we deserve to be proud of it, because we did not gain it through ease, but we went through hell to earn that God-given right. I do believe, that beneath those hallowed floors of the Prep School, to Big School's Graeco-Roman pillars, the spirit of wisdom lingers in every corner, exorcising the new generations to keep up on the schools prestigious traditions.
Its been 8 years my friends,my brothers. After our exodus back then, we are still standing together. Some of us may be even trying to build on their respective lifes again, that includes me I guess. It may take awhile, but do believe me brothers, that this world is ours to conquer. Its only a matter of time till we take our rightful place again. Till then, lets us forever stay in unity towards the end of time. Happy 8th anniversary to all my brothers from the class of 2007...may our brotherhood last forever....
Saturday, January 1, 2011
2010 -----> 2011
OK so this would be my first entry of this year I guess. Time passes by unnoticeably fast, and once you realized, its already the 1st january all over again. Feels rather lucky as air is still going in & out of my lungs the day 2011 approaches. Alhamdulillah, the best word to describe how lucky I am..
Thus, a new year, a new paragraph in this hopefully long essay of my life. Still, I do have this perception that in moving forward, one needs to look back, look behind at least in a slight manner. Therefore, here's a quick recap on the year that was for me. Firstly, 2010 turns out to be a bizzare, not to forget comical, year for me in any consequences. It started herendously with the fact that I have my first.....yes, first, OFFICIAL girlfriend, its getting head-line almost everywhere, most notably among my school-mates. I did had several rendezvous before her back in my heir days, but nothing really gets burgeoning back then,nor being official, largely due to my own mistakes I supposed. That is, until SHE showed up. All of a sudden, my life tooks a huge turn. No longer am I the man I use to be. Still feels lucky with the fact that it has been more than 10 months since that faithful 1st day. Seems everyting is doing tremendously well between us, guess that this low level of intransigence inside of me does gave a huge assist.
Fluctuatingly unpredictable .......turns out to be the best words to describe the academical part of my life in 2010. It has never been even close to consistent, luckily its still a long way to go till the day I receive my first degree. Speaking about studies, I would like to congratulate one of my brothers back in school, Jekbe, for his success in gaining entrance to UiTM Shah Alam. Not to forget Hafiz, who would be flying to Germany this 7th of January. Best of luck for you guys, brothers....
In a more joyous point of view, I've been lucky enough to witness the Malaysian football team triumphant victory over the Indonesian right in front of my very eyes. Its never easy to reach the final, but Malaysia did it, and I was amongst the most fortunate to be there that night. Not to forget the trip Singapore with my fellow faculty colleagues. It was quite an experience though..remember my friends, what happened in Singapore, remains in Singapore..:)
To summarize, 2010 has been a very mixed kind of year for me. I learnt new stuffs, gained new stuffs, lost lots of stuffs! Nevertheless, this year helped me to open my eyes. Sometimes I wonder, in this never-ending pursuit of success in my life, what is my clear goal? In an honest approach, I do have some obscure goals up in my sleeves. Finishing this four years of degree will not be the end of the studying galore, at least that is certain for me. It goes beyond that. I've also come to my senses, that being satisfied with all that you've accomplished so far is the same as going to self-distruct mode. It kills all the potentials inside. Thus, destroy any form of self-indulgence within. Try to achieve a higher summit, be more ambitious, regardless of how differ the opinions of people towards you. I have so many good companions that are always there for me, giving numerous advises for the sake of my own benefit. Not to forget my parents, whose nagging( my dad's seems to be the real nagger) showed me the right path on where to go. Appreciate that, you guys. Thanks 2010, you've taken me out of the box.
Its 2011. Hope that all my plans will go well. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!
OK so this would be my first entry of this year I guess. Time passes by unnoticeably fast, and once you realized, its already the 1st january all over again. Feels rather lucky as air is still going in & out of my lungs the day 2011 approaches. Alhamdulillah, the best word to describe how lucky I am..
Thus, a new year, a new paragraph in this hopefully long essay of my life. Still, I do have this perception that in moving forward, one needs to look back, look behind at least in a slight manner. Therefore, here's a quick recap on the year that was for me. Firstly, 2010 turns out to be a bizzare, not to forget comical, year for me in any consequences. It started herendously with the fact that I have my first.....yes, first, OFFICIAL girlfriend, its getting head-line almost everywhere, most notably among my school-mates. I did had several rendezvous before her back in my heir days, but nothing really gets burgeoning back then,nor being official, largely due to my own mistakes I supposed. That is, until SHE showed up. All of a sudden, my life tooks a huge turn. No longer am I the man I use to be. Still feels lucky with the fact that it has been more than 10 months since that faithful 1st day. Seems everyting is doing tremendously well between us, guess that this low level of intransigence inside of me does gave a huge assist.
Fluctuatingly unpredictable .......turns out to be the best words to describe the academical part of my life in 2010. It has never been even close to consistent, luckily its still a long way to go till the day I receive my first degree. Speaking about studies, I would like to congratulate one of my brothers back in school, Jekbe, for his success in gaining entrance to UiTM Shah Alam. Not to forget Hafiz, who would be flying to Germany this 7th of January. Best of luck for you guys, brothers....
In a more joyous point of view, I've been lucky enough to witness the Malaysian football team triumphant victory over the Indonesian right in front of my very eyes. Its never easy to reach the final, but Malaysia did it, and I was amongst the most fortunate to be there that night. Not to forget the trip Singapore with my fellow faculty colleagues. It was quite an experience though..remember my friends, what happened in Singapore, remains in Singapore..:)
To summarize, 2010 has been a very mixed kind of year for me. I learnt new stuffs, gained new stuffs, lost lots of stuffs! Nevertheless, this year helped me to open my eyes. Sometimes I wonder, in this never-ending pursuit of success in my life, what is my clear goal? In an honest approach, I do have some obscure goals up in my sleeves. Finishing this four years of degree will not be the end of the studying galore, at least that is certain for me. It goes beyond that. I've also come to my senses, that being satisfied with all that you've accomplished so far is the same as going to self-distruct mode. It kills all the potentials inside. Thus, destroy any form of self-indulgence within. Try to achieve a higher summit, be more ambitious, regardless of how differ the opinions of people towards you. I have so many good companions that are always there for me, giving numerous advises for the sake of my own benefit. Not to forget my parents, whose nagging( my dad's seems to be the real nagger) showed me the right path on where to go. Appreciate that, you guys. Thanks 2010, you've taken me out of the box.
Its 2011. Hope that all my plans will go well. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!
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